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Chiyonosono Sake Brewery

Chiyonosono Sake Brewery faces the Buzen Highway near the Kikuchi River that runs through the northern part of Kumamoto Prefecture. Founded in 1896, the brewery was built in the Edo period (1603-1868), and its symbolic chimney gives it the air of a historic brewery. After World War II, the brewery became one of the first in Japan to focus on the production of Junmai-Shu. The brewery produces about 15 to 20 varieties of sake, centering on its main brand 'Shuhai', as well as red sake, shochu, liqueur, and mirin (sweet sake for cooking).

Products on Display

純米酒 朱盃

Junmai-Shu Shuhai

Characterized by its gentle touch on the tongue and nice, crisp taste. It is the core product of the Chiyonosono Brewery.

吟醸原酒 ロックがうまい

Ginjo-Genshu, Rokku ga umai (Great on the Rocks) 

As the name states, this sake, with high alcohol content and a strong flavor, is made to be enjoyed on the rocks.

Thoughts on the Displayed Products


千代の園 蔵人

The Secret Story of the Maker


Freshly Made! The Allure of New Sake


